Friday, June 19, 2009

and finally! the last paper was over! it was the hardest paper but i felt satisfied after finishing it though there were some mistakes here and there. and straight after, i went for a haircut at chinatown, followed by massive packing at home and bringing my stuff to monstrose! gosh, was a little crazy packing cos there were soooo many things!!! and then, after moving my first luggage, went to ant's place to chill, watch videos and sing songs and print our tickets to prague n greece! followed by having dinner with long lost serene, kang yee and kelvin at creperie and the creperie was really good though i prefer old dutch!

and yeah i'm blogging this cos i'm not feeling really really happy now. but have a tinge of reminiscence actually. i kinda miss some frens here after talking to laya and chen chen just now. we talked for 2.5 hours. and yup, it was an awkward start initially when we sat down and talked but all went well and we started gossiping, talking about this and that and the most funny thing was them trying to learn singlish and chen2 thinks my chi sounds cute. haha! and though i know that if we were to meet frequently, we would not have so much to talk about cos ultimately, we have different social lives and do not have a common pool of frens. nevertheless, i'm still quite touched by the effort that they put in and i think they enjoy talking to me. hai, and be4 i left they gave me a box of choc which really took me by surprise and was really touched. thanks laya and chen chen! gave each of them a hug as i wun be seeing them until the next term. Take care ya both of u and hope we'll still keep in contact. will get some nice sg goodies when i'm back. i'm actually missing u 2 already...

3 of us!


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