Monday, November 15, 2010

And reading week has just passed and i have not done much. been reading organic notes and maybe a little inorganic and then been doing up my physical lab book for next wed viva. gosh, this kinetic experiment is deceivingly easy, with so many chim equations! but i think we got all the questions sorted out at least. I dont know why, but feel kinda uneasy and stressed cos i'm gonna start the horrible organic labs next week and it means 9-11 lectures 11-5 labs. quite crazy and it's really tiring. well, but at least now u can only do 1 expt a week unlike the past when they throw 5 expt to you and u can just rush to finish them. so yeah i will take my time when doing and shall do it really carefully! no worries. i think i will feel better after the 1st week, after i get a feel of it.

alright, so yesterday was my 1st time entering a club! haven clubbed be4 in sg and this is all for sam cos it's his bday! haha, couldnt turn him down after he asked me 3 times whether i'm going for his party. yeah and when we were there, we kept talking to the other sam and i think i feel quite contented knowing these 2 closer ang mor frens. like though i know we are culturally so diff, there is hardly any awkward silence between us. am lucky to have met such frens! and i think it'll be so cool if we are able to travel in future when we all start working. like meeting up in another foreign country, maybe japan? so cool! haha and he invited us (terrence, me and samantha) over to his place in yorkshire in easter and will drive us around. gosh, cant wait!



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