Tuesday, December 21, 2010

yeah been a while since i last blog. Term has ended last week and it's a 3 week winter break be4 our 10 module exams! It's kinda crazy to study 10 modules in 3 weeks but i think i just need to pace myself. been studying day and night and will always watch 美食大三通 before sleeping, causing me to have supper almost daily. argh! and i craved so much for korean bbq after watching the korean episode. and finally i had my korean bbq yesterday night with 3 hkers!


The bbq wasn't really that fantastic and def couldnt compare that to the 1 i had in LA. argh! think u cant find such satisfying bbq besides korea and US. maybe i will try the fei cui korean bbq when i go back to sg but that will be quite a while. nevertheless the company was really good. got to know vicky better during physical labs; jon and hilary during organic labs as we were in the same grp. wa and they keep conversing in canto and i really enjoy the canto atmosphere! i can actually generally understand what they were saying. ah! can't wait for our after exam plans - k lunch, cookout and mahjong. sing canto songs but i think i will sing in chinese. and then cookout will be super exciting! cultural exchange indeed. and i think i will lose to them in mahjong cos hkers are too zai in mahjong and it's a little different from sg mahjong without the animal tiles. haha i cant wait really! hou hoi sum! well, think this year i know another new bunch of frens from hk and it seems that it was all fated. will definitely miss this bunch of ppl when i graduate. and i'm gonna visit them next july definitely!


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