Sunday, October 15, 2006

So this week has passed quickly and monotonously. I booked out earlier on Fri to attend my cousin's wedding and went back to camp on sat morning to do stores and UFP(unit fitness program) till 4pm. wat a boring week! nevertheless, I still find alpha company the most family-like coy. I like it cos of the presence of our friendly men, my 2 dearest PCs and not to forget our good natured OC. It just feels so fine to do OT for them; think that's the way how we as specs should reciprocate.

we had a mini mooncake celebration on wednesday night. though it was after a really busy day, it was still quite an enjoyable session when all of us get to have mooncakes together and able to play with lanterns and sparklers together. it's good to have such a light hearted event amid the busy schedules that we have everyday. it helps us to virtually forget the stifling issues that we face everyday. and yuPz, think tolerance is a virtue in the army~

well, tomorrow i'll be having my uni interview at british council. hope everything goes right. have been studying for the past few weeks and i'm lucky to have justin to swop COS duty with me. thanks pal! sorry for landing u in a 'confinement' state. but really felt so thankful to hiM! yuPz, took a whole day off tml to prepare for my 5pm interview. wish me luck! haha~


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