Sunday, May 15, 2005


hopeless, helpless, disappointment, fatigue have besieged me for these few days. will tonight be a sleepless night? everything seems to be so uncertain. i'm not prepared to sacrifice but looking at others sacrficing makes me feel bad. nevertheless, this does not overcome my selfishness...

i can't bear to see this organisation falling into the wrong hands, falling into the hands of deceiving ppl. drained has set in, devouring the strength that i had initially. it just takes one to split a team, a team of supposedly united members... what is this world crashing into?

some1 juz told me,'mood is a state of mind, conquer or be conquered'. the former is deem best now but it's usually the latter that affects me... hai, though i do not feel much for it, it really pains to see it slowly fade away in the years to come. hai...


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