Saturday, May 22, 2010

yeah it has been a really really long hiatus. after easter hols, i was so busy till now and finally i can blog a little of what has happened the past 6 weeks! had my jap oral exams, then 3 physical expt and it's my first time doing 2 reports that i felt was really crazy. i only managed to catch like 5-6h of sleep everyday when there's still lectures at 9 or even 11. really loads to do for those reports...

yeah and finally i've finished those 2 reports and handed them in today. but then tmr will start revision... and it feels kinda scary that year 2 is coming to an end... somehow this feels conflicting.. as much as i dun wan year 2 to end, i wanna go home.. haha argh and exams will be in 3 weeks time! really scary. hopefully everything goes well. ok and yes these few days have been taking really funny pictures in the labs and also went out to have dinner today with ks and kc san then to chee han's bday celebration! helped him to blow out his bday candles! haha! kc is from our project group and yeah it felt kinda yi jian ru gu when talking to him. nice to have such a group mate. alright, photos!

my project group and labs!

more labs photos cos it feels fun! yeah the 1st pic is our set up for the 2nd expt.

yeah dinner with kc and that was chee han's bday! ahahah i helped him blow the candle.