Saturday, March 20, 2010

はい、ブログの時間! 最近、別なことが起きないんですが、 普通の日のようです。 実験し終わってから、毎日毎日レポートばかりしてるので、生活は本当につまらなくなるんです! レポートひとつずつ来るので、 レポートばかりの生活です! 昨日、ずっと書いて、やっと四時までに書き終わりました。 だから、今日は休めたんだ! ずっとレポートするのに、楽しいときがないわけでわないんですが、水曜日に化学の友達と一緒bayswaterへ中華料理の夕食を食べに行った。 楽しい時間はいつも早く経って、来週の火曜日に日本語の期末試験だ、頑張るぞ。 じゃ、おいしい食べ物が食べたのは僕の気分にとっていいことだ。 はい、それは写真だ! 



Monday, March 01, 2010

finally, had a little time to blog about the past few weeks. everything has been normal and labs have started so it's the hectic period again! but it'll be over quite soon hopefully. yeah, have gotten back my jan results, got decent results =).

went for hwa chong night yesterday at holborn grange hotel, a 5 star hotel. and it was a buffet concept but the food was quite bad, esp the chicken breast which was too dry. the fish was edible and i think i like the cakes best. though there were only 6 04 batches, i still had fun with them! ppl like yisheng, ee suan, zijian, kailong. yeah... and we sang the hc songs and did the mass dance. there wasnt much of a reminiscence this time but felt more like a social party, chatting with old frens and having fun together. yeah it was quite a success i felt and i won a 25 pounds H&M voucher during the lucky draw session while ys won a 20 pounds sains voucher. fan ben! haha, think i was quite lucky yest night!


amidst all the fun, i still dun noe what else should i do in london. more volunteer work which i've only been once? hai, sch feels so much busier now and i dun really feel like committing myself now. perhaps i'll be able to go for 1 or 2 when i'm free-er. and yeah, when there's company too.